Monday, July 29, 2013

Classroom jobs!

I made job posters!
 I believe it is important even in Kinder for kids to learn responsibility and what better what to do that then to have a job to take care of.  I wanted something simple and this was the best way I figured to do that! I left room at the bottom for a card with their name on it. I use the lined card but you could also use a picture of the student. There are 8 jobs included. Door holder, paper patrol, germ patrol, morning patrol, energy patrol, job substitute, line leader and caboose!  I would write more but I want to go laminate these LOL. Here they are!  Job Posters.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Class Rules/Voice Levels

I had an incredibly crummy week. Classroom change(moved to a much smaller one) and crazy family issues but I had an amazing weekend which apparently made me incredibly creative! I created two new things for my classroom and I am so excited to laminate and hang them. The first thing I made was posters for classroom rules!

Don't you just love the polka dots. Maybe it's just me. I got the clip art from My Cute Graphics and everything else is all me! I was so super excited with how these came out. If you would like to use them in your classroom here is the link Class Rules! Of course there are more class rules then this but this is a start. I also made voice level posters, told you I was feeling creative. :)

Also polka dot! Apparently that is my new thing! I love how these ones came out. Got the clip art from the same place and the rest is all me. Here is the link for this one Voice Levels! Discovering you can make things is fun!


Monday, July 8, 2013

Word Wall Madness!

Finally finished my word wall! Took about a week and a half but I absolutely love how it came out! Polka dot borders and a lined font so the kiddos can see where their letters go on the lines. Letter formation is a big deal in kinder so I wanted to find just the right font.

The picture isn't great but it gives you an idea of what they look like. All the borders aren't the same color either. I did the ROYGBIV pattern of the rainbow. I am the genius that forgot the color words so those are at the end. X was about to make my head explode so you'll notice that one has a blank card under it. I also plan to make up ones like this for my students names as soon as I know them so they can be on the word wall as well! I think I may pull the frame in just a bit to make it smaller so I can fit it on the wall I want so as soon I finish that I'll post that version. If you would like to download it. Here is the link.

Word Wall!!!